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JaVECCS Annual Conference 2020 Summer Theme

"The Sepsis Theory 2020"


Q1 JaVECCS Online Annual Conference?

Q2 If you don't mind, please tell me why you didn't participate.

Q2 How did you hear about this online annual conference? (Multiple selection possible)

About Q3 WEB registration

Q4 How was the lecture?

Q5 How was the number and amount of video content?

Q6 How was the video content release period (about 1 month)?

Q7 How did you like the theme of "Sepsis"?

Q8 Select the theme you would like to hear at the next annual conference (multiple selections allowed)

Q9 JaVECCS Annual Conference Steering Committee If you have any advice, please write it in the box below.

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Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to complete the survey.

Thank you for your continued support of JaVECCS.

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